This picture here shows where I had pierced my ear to the gauge and held it there with a small 20g ear ring. [before any of you decided to comment I realize there are problems with me and the way I do things in your eyes, but i don't care.]I held off on gauging for about a year. My second hole was already at a 10g.
Now it's 2012 and my ears are at 1/2" I plan to have my ears back at 1" by October of this year! My ear's are gauging faster then ever by themselves!! Every time I buy the next size and put them in, my ears are already at that size! I will be documenting this gauging process threw out my blog because people always say things i have been able to prove wrong such as: "your ears wont grow back up from and inch", or " you have no lob you wont be able to go that far". First off, I really didn't have any lob prior to gauging to an inch the first time and I done it with no trouble at all and I would have kept going if my anger didn't get the best of me. Now that I ripped them out and I have no lob yet again people think I cant do it, the only trouble that I am having at this point is because of the way I kept stretching my lob to keep it pierced to my gauge causes my right ear to be hard to gauge. [that is the first one I ripped out, so it was pierced to the gauge for the longest.] Even though I stretched them even after they were out that have grown to were if I had sewn them back together I could fit about a 0 or a 00 in my ear. You can see in the picture my ears today with the 1/2" gauges in my ears and where I ripped my inches out! I have found my new pair of 1" gauges that are my goal at this moment, I will be going further then an inch but I had to set a goal for myself! If you want your ears gauged and you think you cant of maybe yours ripped out on their own, or you may have done it like I did, YOU CAN DO IT! DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!!!
Please Viewers: Do not try this at home, do not get so angry that you feel the need to harm yourself like I did. Most of all respect your piercings and tattoos! they are your art, and your body is your canvas!
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