Splat Hair Color Love!
Going threw the store I come upon this hair color called Splat. This caught my attention. I felt the need to try this product to write a review for those of you who have wondered about it. I took time to see how it would fade over time and even tried it on different hair types. My results were nothing less then Perfect!!!

Next I decided to use Luscious Raspberry by Splat and Black from Revlon. I just put this one in my hair last night so i'm not so sure how long it will last at the moment but I promise to keep you all updated.
[Updated: One month after having red hair I'm starting to show little blond highlights but most is still just as vibrant. I could continue to let it fade, or redo it. I believe I will be redoing my hair blue and purple!]
[Updated: One month after having red hair I'm starting to show little blond highlights but most is still just as vibrant. I could continue to let it fade, or redo it. I believe I will be redoing my hair blue and purple!]
Keep in mind this is not the dye I normally use, I picked it up purely for testing purposes and I do plan on testing all of the colors available threw this brand for you and keeping you updated on how they take to my hair and how long it lasts. All in all from the way they take to my hair I'm pleased and the way the pink and blue lasted I'm pleased, I'd recommend it.